Methods to authenticate the user. This will likely change to OAuth in the future The UUID provided by /login will expire after 14 days if not updated.
POST: /login
Get a UUID to identify a user without reentering the password
- headers:
- x-api-key (string)email (string) - user emailpassword (string) - user password
Return Example:
{"codes": [200], "data": { "UUID": "15548cda-3433-448c-b247-2ef5a3af6ec2" }}
POST: /login/update
Update the UUID to reset the 14 days expiration timer
- headers:
- x-api-key (string)UUID (string)
Return Example:
{"codes": [200]}
GET: /login/valid
Check if the UUID has expiredEach method will throw a 402 if invalid, so there is rarely the need for this- headers:
- x-api-key (string)UUID (string)
Return Example:
{"codes": [200]} or {"codes": [402]}
POST: /logout
Delete the Users UUID from database and log them out
- headers:
- x-api-key (string)UUID (string)
Return Example:
{"codes": [200]}
Please redirect users to: